
Eco-distress: Resilience & Art Amidst Climate Change

Sat, May 18, 2024
Room 203
Greensboro Cultural Center

In our world of rapidly changing landscapes, temperatures, and ecosystems, where do we turn for solace? Three authors discuss eco-distress and how we express our grief for our planet through art and activism. Join poet KATE PARTRIDGE (Thine), co-founder of the Good Grief Network, LAURA SCHMIDT (How to Live in a Chaotic Climate), and young adult novelist LAUREN YERO (Under This Forgetful Sky) as they discuss meaning and connection in these trying times of climate change.


KATE PARTRIDGE is the author of two poetry collections: Thine and Ends of the Earth. Her poems have appeared in Copper Nickel, Field, Michigan Quarterly Review, Yale Review, and other journals. She is an assistant professor at Regis University in Denver, Colorado. LEARN MORE

LAURA SCHMIDT is the founder of the Good Grief Network and the brain behind the “10-Steps to Resilience & Empowerment in a Chaotic Climate” program. She is a lifelong student, curator, and practitioner of personal and collective resilience strategies. LEARN MORE

LAUREN YERO is a Cuban American writer and teacher who writes speculative, near-future stories of resistance, adventure, and first love that question the structures our world is built upon. Born in Florida, she received her BA from Davidson College and her MA in Literature and Environment from the University of Nevada Reno. Her desire to connect more deeply with her Cuban roots led her to study and work throughout the Spanish-speaking world—including Chile, where she drew inspiration for her debut novel Under This Forgetful Sky. She lives with her family in the mountains of western North Carolina. LEARN MORE


RYAN ORGERA is a international conservation expert who works to improve sustainability outcomes in international ocean management. Ryan holds a masters in French literature and a PhD in environmental geography, and works to incorporate cultural and linguistic themes in science and policy. He resides in Alexandria, Virginia with his family.